To create Dice applicatio ,first of all, you draw a rounded square shape on a form

Secondly, you need to draw an array of 7 dots and VB will automatically labeled them as shape2(0), shape2(1),shape2(2), shape2(3), shape2(4), shape2(5) and shape2(6). You can control the appearance of the dots using the random function RND.

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim n As Integer
Randomize Timer
n = Int(1 + Rnd * 6)
For i = 0 To 6
Shape2(i).Visible = False
If n = 1 Then
Shape2(3).Visible = True
Shape1.FillColor = &HC0C0C0
End If
If n = 2 Then
Shape2(2).Visible = True
Shape2(4).Visible = True
Shape1.FillColor = &H8080FF
End If
If n = 3 Then
Shape2(2).Visible = True
Shape2(3).Visible = True
Shape2(4).Visible = True
Shape1.FillColor = &H80FF&
End If
If n = 4 Then
Shape2(0).Visible = True
Shape2(2).Visible = True
Shape2(4).Visible = True
Shape2(6).Visible = True
Shape1.FillColor = &HFFFF00
End If
If n = 5 Then
Shape2(0).Visible = True
Shape2(2).Visible = True
Shape2(3).Visible = True
Shape2(4).Visible = True
Shape2(6).Visible = True
Shape1.FillColor = &HFFFF&
End If
If n = 6 Then
Shape2(0).Visible = True
Shape2(1).Visible = True
Shape2(2).Visible = True
Shape2(4).Visible = True
Shape2(5).Visible = True
Shape2(6).Visible = True
Shape1.FillColor = &HFF00FF
End If
End Sub


Tic-Tac-Toe Game in VB

1. Create a new project in VB 6.0, Draw four lines on the form as shown in the figure.
2. Place an Image control on the form,  copy it and paste for 8 times (Image Control Array).
3. Now again place Image2, Image3 on the form and add Cross picture and Circle picture for player-1 and player-2 respectively.
4. Place two labels and change the caption as Player-1 and Player-2.
5.Place two command buttons and change their caption property as Play Again and Exit respectively.

Design View:-

Dim cross(8) As Boolean
Dim ball(8) As Boolean
Dim m As Integer
Dim player As Integer

Sub check_status()
If ball(0) = True And ball(1) = True And ball(2) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-1 Wins"
End If
If ball(3) = True And ball(4) = True And ball(5) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-1 Wins"
End If
If ball(6) = True And ball(7) = True And ball(8) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-1 Wins"
End If
If ball(0) = True And ball(3) = True And ball(6) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-1 Wins"
End If

If ball(1) = True And ball(4) = True And ball(7) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-1 Wins"
End If
If ball(2) = True And ball(5) = True And ball(8) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-1 Wins"
End If
If ball(0) = True And ball(4) = True And ball(8) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-1 Wins"
End If
If ball(2) = True And ball(4) = True And ball(6) = True Then
MsgBox "Player 1 Wins"
End If

If cross(0) = True And cross(1) = True And cross(2) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-2 Wins"
End If
If cross(3) = True And cross(4) = True And cross(5) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-2 Wins"
End If
If cross(6) = True And cross(7) = True And cross(8) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-2 Wins"
End If
If cross(0) = True And cross(3) = True And cross(6) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-2 Wins"
End If

If cross(1) = True And cross(4) = True And cross(7) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-2 Wins"
End If
If cross(2) = True And cross(5) = True And cross(8) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-2 Wins"
End If
If cross(0) = True And cross(4) = True And cross(8) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-2 Wins"
End If
If cross(2) = True And cross(4) = True And cross(6) = True Then
MsgBox "Player 2 wins"
End If
End Sub

Sub check_position()
For m = 0 To 8
If Image1(m).Picture = Image2.Picture Then
ball(m) = True
Else: ball(m) = False
End If
If Image1(m).Picture = Image3.Picture Then
cross(m) = True
cross(m) = False
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
For m = 0 To 8
Image1(m).Picture = LoadPicture("")
End Sub

Private Sub Image1_Click(Index As Integer)
If player = 1 And cross(Index) = False And ball(Index) = False Then
Image1(Index).Picture = Image2.Picture
End If
If player = 2 And cross(Index) = False And ball(Index) = False Then
Image1(Index).Picture = Image3.Picture
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Image2_Click()
player = 1
End Sub

Private Sub Image3_Click()
player = 2
End Sub

Private Sub mnuNew_Click()
For m = 0 To 8
Image1(m).Picture = LoadPicture("")
End Sub


Moving Image in VB

Property Table:-
Move Down
Move Up
Move Left
Move Right
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim v, w As Integer
Private Sub Command1_Click()
w = w + 10
If w < 3670 Then
Image1.Move v, w
Image1.Move 2640, 1560
v = 2640
w = 1560

End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
w = w - 10
If w > 0 Then
Image1.Move v, w
Image1.Move 2640, 1560
v = 2640
w = 1560
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
v = v + 10
If v < 5350 Then
Image1.Move v, w
Image1.Move 2640, 1560
v = 2640
w = 1560
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()
v = v - 10
If v > 0 Then
Image1.Move v, w
Image1.Move 2640, 1560
v = 2640
w = 1560
End If
End Sub


To create Dice applicatio ,first of all, you draw a rounded square shape on a form

Secondly, you need to draw an array of 7 dots and VB will automatically labeled them as shape2(0), shape2(1),shape2(2), shape2(3), shape2(4), shape2(5) and shape2(6). You can control the appearance of the dots using the random function RND.

Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim n As Integer
Randomize Timer
n = Int(1 + Rnd * 6)
For i = 0 To 6
Shape2(i).Visible = False
If n = 1 Then
Shape2(3).Visible = True
Shape1.FillColor = &HC0C0C0
End If
If n = 2 Then
Shape2(2).Visible = True
Shape2(4).Visible = True
Shape1.FillColor = &H8080FF
End If
If n = 3 Then
Shape2(2).Visible = True
Shape2(3).Visible = True
Shape2(4).Visible = True
Shape1.FillColor = &H80FF&
End If
If n = 4 Then
Shape2(0).Visible = True
Shape2(2).Visible = True
Shape2(4).Visible = True
Shape2(6).Visible = True
Shape1.FillColor = &HFFFF00
End If
If n = 5 Then
Shape2(0).Visible = True
Shape2(2).Visible = True
Shape2(3).Visible = True
Shape2(4).Visible = True
Shape2(6).Visible = True
Shape1.FillColor = &HFFFF&
End If
If n = 6 Then
Shape2(0).Visible = True
Shape2(1).Visible = True
Shape2(2).Visible = True
Shape2(4).Visible = True
Shape2(5).Visible = True
Shape2(6).Visible = True
Shape1.FillColor = &HFF00FF
End If
End Sub


Tic-Tac-Toe Game in VB

1. Create a new project in VB 6.0, Draw four lines on the form as shown in the figure.
2. Place an Image control on the form,  copy it and paste for 8 times (Image Control Array).
3. Now again place Image2, Image3 on the form and add Cross picture and Circle picture for player-1 and player-2 respectively.
4. Place two labels and change the caption as Player-1 and Player-2.
5.Place two command buttons and change their caption property as Play Again and Exit respectively.

Design View:-

Dim cross(8) As Boolean
Dim ball(8) As Boolean
Dim m As Integer
Dim player As Integer

Sub check_status()
If ball(0) = True And ball(1) = True And ball(2) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-1 Wins"
End If
If ball(3) = True And ball(4) = True And ball(5) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-1 Wins"
End If
If ball(6) = True And ball(7) = True And ball(8) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-1 Wins"
End If
If ball(0) = True And ball(3) = True And ball(6) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-1 Wins"
End If

If ball(1) = True And ball(4) = True And ball(7) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-1 Wins"
End If
If ball(2) = True And ball(5) = True And ball(8) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-1 Wins"
End If
If ball(0) = True And ball(4) = True And ball(8) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-1 Wins"
End If
If ball(2) = True And ball(4) = True And ball(6) = True Then
MsgBox "Player 1 Wins"
End If

If cross(0) = True And cross(1) = True And cross(2) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-2 Wins"
End If
If cross(3) = True And cross(4) = True And cross(5) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-2 Wins"
End If
If cross(6) = True And cross(7) = True And cross(8) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-2 Wins"
End If
If cross(0) = True And cross(3) = True And cross(6) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-2 Wins"
End If

If cross(1) = True And cross(4) = True And cross(7) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-2 Wins"
End If
If cross(2) = True And cross(5) = True And cross(8) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-2 Wins"
End If
If cross(0) = True And cross(4) = True And cross(8) = True Then
MsgBox "Player-2 Wins"
End If
If cross(2) = True And cross(4) = True And cross(6) = True Then
MsgBox "Player 2 wins"
End If
End Sub

Sub check_position()
For m = 0 To 8
If Image1(m).Picture = Image2.Picture Then
ball(m) = True
Else: ball(m) = False
End If
If Image1(m).Picture = Image3.Picture Then
cross(m) = True
cross(m) = False
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command1_Click()
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
For m = 0 To 8
Image1(m).Picture = LoadPicture("")
End Sub

Private Sub Image1_Click(Index As Integer)
If player = 1 And cross(Index) = False And ball(Index) = False Then
Image1(Index).Picture = Image2.Picture
End If
If player = 2 And cross(Index) = False And ball(Index) = False Then
Image1(Index).Picture = Image3.Picture
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Image2_Click()
player = 1
End Sub

Private Sub Image3_Click()
player = 2
End Sub

Private Sub mnuNew_Click()
For m = 0 To 8
Image1(m).Picture = LoadPicture("")
End Sub


Moving Image in VB

Property Table:-
Move Down
Move Up
Move Left
Move Right
Dim x As Integer
Dim y As Integer
Dim v, w As Integer
Private Sub Command1_Click()
w = w + 10
If w < 3670 Then
Image1.Move v, w
Image1.Move 2640, 1560
v = 2640
w = 1560

End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
w = w - 10
If w > 0 Then
Image1.Move v, w
Image1.Move 2640, 1560
v = 2640
w = 1560
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()
v = v + 10
If v < 5350 Then
Image1.Move v, w
Image1.Move 2640, 1560
v = 2640
w = 1560
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command4_Click()
v = v - 10
If v > 0 Then
Image1.Move v, w
Image1.Move 2640, 1560
v = 2640
w = 1560
End If
End Sub